“Tiny White Lies”, the latest novel from acclaimed Great Southern author Fiona Palmer and set in the rugged surrounds of Bremer Bay, is a captivating story of two families who escape the rat race to holiday at a remote coastal retreat. Detached from the technology they so heavily rely on and challenged by a world without wifi, the kids are increasingly removed from their comfort zone whilst the parents must confront the little lies they tell themselves and each other as their cosy world begins to inexorably unravel. Around the flickering firelight of the camp, some of those secrets might just begin to be exposed.”
We are thrilled to be collaborating with Fiona to promote her new book. Available through Dymocks and all good book stores this is a wonderful read that will resonate with many to intrigue and delight. In conjunction with Hachette Australia we are providing a lucky reader with a three-night luxurious Great Southern Getaway, ocean-front here at Lejano. To enter you need to pick up a copy of this fabulous book and enter online here to be in with a chance to win. The competition closes on September 25 and is open to anyone in Western Australia. Good luck!